Frontline Test Equipment Analyzers for Specialized Protocol Needs

In addition to ViewComm II, Greenleaf also provides access to Frontline Test Equipment analyzers,
which cater to more specialized protocol requirements. Frontline analyzers offer industry-leading features,
including robust support for industrial protocols and USB communications.

  1. FTS4Control for Industrial Protocols: The FTS4Control analyzer is tailored for industrial settings where specialized protocols are frequently used,
    such as Modbus, Profibus, and Ethernet/IP. This analyzer is essential for developers in manufacturing and automation who require tools capable of decoding and analyzing complex industrial protocols.
  2. FTS4USB for USB Communication: For applications involving USB connections, FTS4USB offers unparalleled insight into USB data streams. This tool captures USB requests, configuration data, and communication protocols, helping developers debug USB devices and drivers. It’s particularly useful for debugging USB devices that interact with embedded systems or custom hardware.

Both FTS4Control and FTS4USB are designed to save time in debugging and development, with detailed views and features specific to the protocols they serve.

Greenleaf’s Serial Communication Libraries: CommLib, CommX, and Comm++

Beyond protocol analyzers, Greenleaf offers a suite of libraries for developers working with serial communication channels. These libraries provide robust support for serial data transmission, facilitating efficient, reliable connections across various applications.

Greenleaf CommLib

CommLib is one of Greenleaf’s flagship serial communication libraries, designed to support high-performance, reliable data exchange. Here are some of its defining characteristics:

  • Wide Port and Baud Rate Support: CommLib supports unlimited ports and baud rates up to 921.6 Kbaud, making it adaptable for many applications, including high-speed data transmission.
  • Protocol Support: CommLib includes support for standard protocols like XModem, YModem, and ZModem, which are frequently used in file transfers.
  • Terminal Emulation: It offers terminal emulation capabilities, which are useful for developers who need to test serial communication between devices.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: CommLib is compatible with both Win32 and DOS environments, providing flexibility for developers working on legacy systems or applications with specific OS requirements.

CommLib is ideal for mission-critical applications where dependable serial communication is a must. Its comprehensive protocol support and terminal emulation options make it an all-in-one solution for serial data transfer needs.

Greenleaf CommX

CommX is Greenleaf’s ActiveX-based communication library, designed to simplify serial communication within ActiveX-capable software environments. Key features of CommX include:

  • Event-Driven Programming: CommX’s event-driven architecture supports a responsive data communication model, ensuring smooth data flow and prompt handling of communication events.
  • Fast Data Transfer: Like CommLib, CommX supports transfer rates up to 921.6 Kbaud, which is critical for applications that require fast data processing.
  • Extensive Compatibility: This library is compatible with most ActiveX-based software, making it versatile for use across a range of applications that leverage ActiveX controls.

Fast Data Transfer

CommX’s compatibility with ActiveX software simplifies the process of integrating serial communication into complex projects, offering flexibility to developers needing robust communication capabilities in a modular setup.