News and some old stuff too

Dateline August 7, 2006, Dallas, TX.    Stuff’s Getting Better!

Look at the bottom,,,

Look at the bottom of each page for our Google engine – searches our site or the web. We should have done this a decade ago. But then Google didn’t offer this for businesses about our size a decade ago. It’s fast, too. It surprises us to note how many times various words appear in our content. Give it a try.

You may also notice that we’ve made some changes in site navigation. We added various hierarchical area menus starting with an overall SiteMap. Since we’re about to pop out with a LOT of new products in our store, we needed a way for site designers to figure out where they needed to report for work this morning. Hope they help you too! Also added some text links, ditching many of the buttons or other icons we were using as things to click to get places. We’re doing a lot more but won’t bore you with the minitua.

Dateline July 12, 2006, Dallas, TX.    ViewComm Async II Updated

Greenleaf ViewComm II – Version Update

We updated the shipping version of ViewComm Async II to 6.6.2. If you have version 3.3 or older, you should upgrade to the new version because of the list of advantages listed below on May 20th. If you have received version 6.5.x however, the changes amount to cosmetic and upgrading to 6.6.2 is not required.

  • USER ALERT: If you haven’t played with the full-throttle display filter capabilities of the new versions (6.5 and 6.6), you are missing one heck of a great sandbox! We’re sure you’ve discovered Quick Filters, which are available from several parts of the Async GUI, such as Protocol Navigator (over on the left, folks), various Filter menu selections on Frame and Event Views. Tab filters are cool too, putting the ability to change nested protocol layer selection by means of filters at the top of Frame View. But take a look at the expanding dialog that comes up when you select Apply / Modify Display Filters from the Filter menu.
  • Here is the GUI for this expanded Filter capability but you really should open the dialog and explore the complex set of options available on the drop-down menus. You may recall that earlier versions of ViewComm used the BPF notation to drive the Filter engine; the only problem is that not many people really know BPF, so an expanded user interface was high on the priority list for feature upgrades. It’s here, please play with it, tell us what you like and dislike about it.

Dateline July 1, 2006, Dallas, TX.   USB ANALYZER COMING…


  • Tap into USB wire Or sniff the USB host controller.
  • GUI just like Greenleaf ViewComm Async II.
  • Fully compatible with USB 2.0 specification.
  • More information available next week! Or call / email for more information and to discuss your needs! We’ll have a data sheet up within a few days and a brochure by end July.

Dateline June 30, 2006, Dallas, TX.   VCS Serial Number Info

Getting It Straight:

Serial Number Madness

Dateline June 19, 2006, Dallas, TX.   Maps Arrive: Pardon our dust..


Notice that maps have started growing around the GreenleafSoft site. Hope you like ’em. There’s more on the way, along with a general redevelopment of portions of the website.

Everybody already knows the Support site is broken. Sob. Until it is fixed, y’all just send emails to and we’ll respond to them. When the new support site does blossem, you will hopefully use and like it.

Dateline May 20, 2006, Dallas, TX.    NEW ViewComm Async II Is Shipping!

Greenleaf ViewComm II – New Version, Simpler Ordering

The new version of ViewComm Async comes in just one configuration. It includes:

  • NEW: Includes High Speed Option – no extra charge For up to 921.6 Kbaud
  • NEW: Includes Plus Option – no extra charge to Spy on Port
  • NEW: Includes Pro Option – no extra charge For Greenleaf ProtocolWorks, it’s included!
  • NEW: Now includes Modbus ASCII and Modbus ITU decoders – no extra charge.
  • NEW: Includes one year Preferred Maintenance – no charge For upgrades within one Year of purchase.
  • Greenleaf ViewComm Async II – 699.00 USD. Replaces Async HS Plus Pro which sold For $1899.00.
  • NEW: Additional 2-year Preferred Maintence available: $249.00 USD.
  • ViewComm Async II replaces all models of ViewComm Async 3.3 or 2.5x. The add-ons to version 3.3 are still available: VCS High Speed Option, VCS Async Plus Option (spy on port), and VCS Async Pro Option (ProtocolWorks). If you prefer to stick with your existing installation, you can upgrade it by adding one or more of the add-on options. Check the ViewComm price list for these options. Note however that there is not an add-on for 3.3 that allows you to decode Modbus.
  • Get the brochure for Async. The one for Ethernet is coming soon–the GUI is identical except that for Ethernet the Breakout Box and Signals Views are missing–as you’d expect.
  • All the same bundles as for version 3.3.

About Greenleaf ViewComm Version 3.3 Products

  • Many New Features! You really have to download the demo And mouse around a while to see the many, many new things that we simply cannot list here.
  • Viewer HS and Viewer HS Pro are new!
  • One file to download – functionality / model / features depend upon serial number. Benefit: Easy to upgrade.
  • New easy to use VCS Product Matrix and, with one click, list of bundles for the model.
  • You can, if you wish, still buy version 2.58 but we don’t recommend it.
  • New comprehensive brochure with many details available mid-April.

Highlights of New Features in VCS 3.3

  • NEW Protocol Navigator View
    The Protocol Navigator displays multiple decoded packets in one powerful, easy to use screen. It allows you to analyze multiple protocol layers within multiple packets. You have access in Protocol Navigator to use the Quick Filters (which are available in Frame View as well). VCS’s Exclusive Synchronization between views and panes is extended to include Protocol Navigator.
    Use Protocol Navigator to locate protocol problems, Then drill down using Frame View and/Or Event View to work the problem.

    1. Protocols And conditions to Filter in.
    2. Protocols And conditions to Filter out.
    3. Pre-defined filters to apply
  • NEW Quick Filters
    Quick Filters are…well, quite simply, amazing. You have three lists:

    1. Protocols And conditions to Filter in. A notable example Is all packets With errors. Another Is all bookmarked packets.
    2. Protocols And conditions to Filter out
    3. Pre-defined filters to apply

    In addition, you can right-click to show a menu allowing you to collapse Or expand nodes And layers, highlight (Select) entire frame, copy selection to clipboard, And add bookmark.

  • NEW Tab Filters have been added to the Frame View just above the Summary Pane. Click a tab (For instance “TCP”) to Filter out all frames that Do Not contain the indicated protocol layer.
  • NEW Named bookmarks can be attached to any frame (packet) Or event in a capture file. Controls let you do things like jump to next Or previous, first, Or last bookmark, And in some views show only bookmarked packets.
  • NEW dynamic capture feature that allows you to define the size of a capture file And have VCS automatically create a numbered series of files.
  • NEW Notes can be added to capture files. No more need to cook up fancy filenames.
  • NEW Simplified Installer automatically detects bundled Or other supported serial port hardware and installs the proper driver For VCS. No new reboots!
  • NEW The Installer also creates subdirectories And places the Set of drivers described in the Item below so that you just need to Select the drivers For your Quatech card! We really, really want you to get up to speed quickly, meaning buying an Async bundle instead of just the software. You can say we’re greedy but it’s not so. We know you will be a happy customer. Almost ALL of VCS tech support activity relates to incompatible hardware.
  • NEW capability to export Frame Display’s Summary Layer to a CSV file. How many times have you wanted to just create a piece of paper listing all the frames With columns showing whatever pieces of information you want? Now you can Do it.
  • NEW Decoder Parameters capability offers custom decode writers the opportunity to pass parameters containing information to a decode script where otherwise the decode would have no way of knowing such information. Let me tell you, this one feature sold me on version 3.3! Once you use this, there’s no turning back.
  • NEW Capability to define protocol expected as enclosed TCP And UDP payload based on port numbers. The dialog has a starter Set of common ports; you can add more Or change them.

New Viewer HS And Viewer HS Pro Models

and HS Option available as add-on

  • Ever since we started offering High Speed (HS) models of VCS Async models, we worried that we were short-changing those who wanted just the Viewer capabiity.
  • Those days are gone. Here’s the new model lineup — and each Async and Viewer model will have a Set of Bundles that include hardware to Match your needs.
    • VCS Async 3,3
    • VCS Async HS 3.3
    • VCS Async Pro 3.3
    • VCS Async HS Pro 3.3
    • VCS Async Plus 3.3
    • VCS Async HS Plus 3.3
    • VCS Async Plus Pro 3.3
    • VCS Async HS Plus Pro 3.3
    • VCS Viewer 3.3
    • VCS Viewer HS 3.3
    • VCS Viewer Pro 3.3
    • VCS Viewer HS Pro 3.3
    • VCS Ethernet 3.3
    • VCS Ethernet Pro 3.3
    • VCS ProtocolWorks 3.3 Add-on
    • VCS High Speed 3.3 Add-on
    • VCS Plus 3.3 Add-On (adds spy-on-a-port to Async models)

Pricing, Update Availability, Release Date And All That Jazz

  • Keep in mind that we’re not changing the web content until just before we announce that version 3.3 Is shipping.
  • Some of the pricing info we know, others we don’t. We can tell you that if you’re happy with Async version 2.58, buy it now because when we release 3.3, the price of Async software will increase from $399 to $499.
  • There Is simply SO MUCH new stuff in 3.3 that we cannot simply give away updates, but to be fair, If you purchase 2.58 at some point, we will simply give you a free update If you bought within a timeframe (say 90 days) before release of 3.3.
  • There probably will Not be a PDF User’s Manual for 3.3 because we started that And when it exceeded 600 pages we said “Woah! This doesn’t make sense.” Windows Help comes With it And there Is a lot of context-related help based on where you are when you hit F1 Or click the Help button.
  • We will still include Getting Started, Illustrated Cable Guides, And brochures about other models of VCS on your CD.
  • This may sound strange, but the installer contains ALL models of VCS. This includes Async And Ethernet versions, ProtocolWorks, High Speed, And you can download it to try as a DEMO, Then when you purchase it, you will just need to reinstall the same file using your new serial Number. If you need two separate versions, say Async Plus And Ethernet, that counts as two products, each installed from a copy of the same installer file. So, If you purchase Async Now And later find you need to add the Pro features, you purchase it, get a new serial Number, and re-install the hew version. No more separate downloads. It will all be one file And it’s under 40 Mb. This file does Not include the separate documentation And other goodies but does include drivers For Quatech cards.

Dateline Nov. 18, 2004, Dallas, TX.    Newly Released Drivers For Windows 9x With new Quatech cards

The new driver Set For Quatech cards works For Windows 2000, XP, And Server 2003

Here are drivers to fill the need of new hardware in old Windows

  • There are, in VCS 2.5x, three sets of drivers For Quatech serial port hardware
    1. When installing on Windows 9x, a replacement For Serial.vxd Is swapped into …\Windows\System. This will drive *Old* but Not new Quatech cards.
    2. You can install the Set of drivers For Quatech found in the file which comes in a ZIP file. These drivers are For Windows 2000, XP, And Server 2003 only.
    3. You can get drivers here that Do work on Windows 9x With recent Quatech such as included in VCS Bundles.
  • Download the file
  • Make sure you’ve installed the “Normal” Quatech driver for Windows 95/98/Me from the CD that came With your Quatech card. You will find the file on the CD in the following places (assuming your CD Is in drive E):
    • E:\Serial Port Adapters/Windows 95, 98, Me For PCI
    • E:\Serial Port Adapters/Windows 95, 98, Me For PCMCIA (Note that there are model-specific subdirectories under here, so choose the one corresponding to your card).
    • The End result must be that the file SERIALQT.VXD must appear in C:\Windows\System And should be about 93 Kb
  • Unzip. Run the batch file “quatech_swap.bat”